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A Deep Dive Into the Grid, the Intermittency Problem, & Where do We go from Here w/ Bhaskar Ray (QCells)
Hope you are feeling curious today! We have an episode today about one of my favorite topics - the Grid. And joining us today is a grid expert, Bhaskar Ray. Bhaskar is someone that I've known for a while and who has always helped me to learn how the grid works throughout my recruitment work.
In today's discussion, we go over...
- the history of the grid
- basics about how the grid works
- the major challenges facing the grid currently
- some of the potential solutions going forward
- Bhaskar's predictions on what will happen
- the potential role of bitcoin mining with the grid
- the future of energy storage
- innovation in the utility space
And a whole lot more.
We hope you enjoy today's episode as it is a super informative one if you're seeking to understand the basics of how the US power grid works.
- Connect with Bhaskar on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bhaskar-ray-200b489/
- Check out our Sponsor, NextWave Partners: https://www.next-wavepartners.com/
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