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Incubating Early Stage CleanTech Companies - Jason Ethier (Greentown Labs)
Hello everyone and welcome back to CleanTechies the Podcast. This is episode 53.
If you are a climate tech founder with specific questions you'd like us to ask -- OR -- looking for capital and strategic partner introductions, please reach out to me via the Slack Channel or LinkedIn and we are glad to help in any way we can.
Today's episode is with Jason Ethier who is the Sr Director of Membership at Greentown Labs. Greentown is an in-person CleanTech incubator with locations in Boston and Houston.
Today's conversation largely revolves around what Greentown is doing to help CleanTech Startups, the challenges many startups face, the importance of partnerships, and perhaps the most interesting talking point, what is the relationship between Houston's "Old Energy" people and the Energy Transition People.
Main Talking Points:
- Intro to Jason
- His journey into ClimateTech
- What Greentown Labs is doing
- Who they work with
- What types of people end up in the program?
- Why should someone apply to Greentown Labs
- Typical outcomes
- How it works
- Partnerships in the CleanTech Community
- Incentive structures
- Why In-Person
- The Metaverse
- Why Houston
- The relationship between "Old Energy" and Renewables
- Job transitions
- Equity offerings
- Education, Talent, and Universities
- Market timing and direction
- Wrap up
We hope you enjoy today's episode - please reach out with any specific questions or discussion points. If you're interested in being a show sponsor you can reach me at silasmahner@gmail.com
- Greentown Labs Website: https://greentownlabs.com/
- Connect with Jason: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasonethier/
- Check out our Sponsor, NextWave Partners: https://www.next-wavepartners.com/
- Join the Slack Channel: https://cleantechies.slack.com/join/shared_invite/zt-pd2drz6d-N~9nURU5JlyMXv2ZiO5bAQ#/shared-invite/email
- Follow CleanTechies on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/clean-techies/
- HMU on Twitter: @silasmahner
- Support the show: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/silasmahner
- TRL Definition: https://acqnotes.com/acqnote/tasks/technology-readiness-level
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