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ClimateTech VC Investing w/ Heidi Lindvall (Pale Blue Dot)
Speaking with Heidi was one of the most interesting conversations I've been able to have in the investment side of ClimateTech because of her background and story to getting her and also because of her perspective for us in the US and what we can learn from what Europe has done.
- Pale Blue Dot Website: https://www.paleblue.vc/#section-0
- Connect with Heidi on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heidilindvall/
- Tweet Heidi: https://twitter.com/HeidiLindvall
- Join the Slack Channel: https://cleantechies.slack.com/join/shared_invite/zt-pd2drz6d-N~9nURU5JlyMXv2ZiO5bAQ#/shared-invite/email
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We are proud to be sponsored by Tigo Energy to bring this show to you.
Tigo Energy is a Silicon Valley renewable energy company with more than 13 years of experience in Module Level Power Electronics (MLPE) design and deployment. With over 1GWh of solar production monitored daily and approximately 900 TB of global solar data, Tigo is the proven leader in MLPE. In 2021, Tigo revealed its Energy Intelligence Battery and Inverter products, which are designed as the first truly installer-centric residential solar-plus-storage solution. Specifically targeted at the needs of installers, this solution is designed to be fast, flexible, and dependable to directly impact the profit and loss statement of installers. Come learn more at https://tigoenergy.com/cleantechies.
We are proud to continue working with NextWave as our official show sponsor for this podcast. NextWave and all of its staff are highly motivated to advance the ClimateTech revolution and are constantly innovating ways that they can help affect that transition. From experts in the talent space to ESG experts, NextWave is taking on Climate and Social responsibility head-on and helping companies build great cultures that not only make the world a better place but also increase workplace satisfaction.
Reach out to NextWave Partners today to learn more about how we might partner with you today. https://www.next-wavepartners.com/ / info@next-wavepartners.comd
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