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Micro Metering, Cloud Carbon Copy, PropTech ROI, & More w/ Paul Mertes (CircuitMeter)
We have a great episode for you today with Paul Mertes, President, and CEO of CircuitMeter.
CircuitMeter has revolutionized the building energy management system space with their meters that are able to report data within small windows offering a microscopic view of energy usage and which machinery is using that electricity. This tech, once installed stands to save the building owners hundreds of thousands of dollars on their electricity usage over the coming years - effectively paying for itself.
Please checkout CircuitMeter's website to learn more about their technology. If you are a commercial building owner, the safe assumption is that you will save swaths of money by installing this tech. https://www.circuitmeter.com/
Connect with Paul on LinkedIn. https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-mertes-47936820/
And big thanks to our sponsors, NextWave Partners for making this show possible. NextWave is a global Renewable Energy, Infrastructure, Technology, and CleanTech specialist recruitment firm. NextWave takes on select clients with the intention of building a partnership that allows your company to attract and secure the best talent in the market.
Reach out today to capture the NextWave of talent. https://www.next-wavepartners.com/
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(FYI: the first issue of the newsletter goes out on May 27th - don't want to miss being part of this journey with us)
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